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/ Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition) / Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso / Code / TSort.vbp < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-06-14  |  1KB  |  46 lines

  1. Type=Exe
  2. Reference=*\G{64674040-3A82-101B-8181-00AA003743D3}#1.1#0#Release\win.tlb#Windows API Functions
  3. Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\WINNT\System32\STDOLE2.TLB#OLE Automation
  4. Reference=*\G{630B888C-E48F-11D0-B253-00AA005754FD}#1.0#0#..\COMPDISC\Code\Debug\VBCore.dll#Core Utilities for Visual Basic
  5. Class=CSortedListBox; SLISTBOX.CLS
  6. Module=MDebug; DEBUG.BAS
  7. Form=TSORT.frm
  8. Object={2DD06898-E157-11D0-8C51-00C04FC29CEC}#1.1#0; ListBoxPlus.ocx
  9. IconForm="FTestSort"
  10. Startup="FTestSort"
  11. HelpFile=""
  12. Title="Test Sorting and Searching"
  13. ExeName32="TSort.exe"
  14. Path32="Exes"
  15. Command32=""
  16. Name="TestSort"
  17. HelpContextID="0"
  18. Description="Test sorting and searching arrays, collections, and list boxes"
  19. CompatibleMode="0"
  20. MajorVer=1
  21. MinorVer=0
  22. RevisionVer=0
  23. AutoIncrementVer=0
  24. ServerSupportFiles=0
  25. VersionCompanyName=" "
  26. CondComp="afDebug = 5"
  27. CompilationType=-1
  28. OptimizationType=0
  29. FavorPentiumPro(tm)=0
  30. CodeViewDebugInfo=0
  31. NoAliasing=0
  32. BoundsCheck=0
  33. OverflowCheck=0
  34. FlPointCheck=0
  35. FDIVCheck=0
  36. UnroundedFP=0
  37. StartMode=0
  38. Unattended=0
  39. ThreadPerObject=0
  40. MaxNumberOfThreads=1
  42. [Repository]
  43. RepId=4FB51841-CEAF-11CF-A15E-00AA00A74D48-0137